Saturday, 23 June 2012

Car and Bike Racing

Car and Bike Racing 

Car and Bike Racing is really a dangerous game. This is not wrong if we say racing is the game of death .Actually this is really a bad passion and this passion is massively occur in youngsters. This game is only for Brave Hearts.

Two or more competitors start the race from one point and end it at a decided point. In this short period of time, they do different stunts like one wheeling, they lay on bike,   giving cuts to their competitors and stand up on bike while the bike is on highest speed. At this moment, a little mistake can take their life but knowing all these facts they don’t hesitate to do so.

Is there so much money in this field ? Is the government take the responsibility to save their life ? The answer is NO ,no one guaranteed them to save their life because they are playing on the edge of life. Everyone watches the race and enjoyed so much but no one realize their fear .

When some racer died in racing, then their name is not written in golden words ,no medal or honour is given to him. Everyone forget him and all his races . So, why not all the racers just stop this bullshit racing which is not give any benefit to them . I hope that my this little passage inspired  the youngsters and they leave this stupid passion. Thanks 

Some Examples of Car and Bike racing Accidents.


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